Convergence of Commoners Retreat
Beyond the Digital Illusion
Fractal Democracy with Marta Poblet Balcell
Session Summary: Fractal Democracy – Marta
- Crowd Intelligence: Designing new institutions for the digital era by harnessing collective knowledge through digital tools and blended environments.
- Defining Politics: Encouraging reflection on personal and collective understandings of politics.
Case Studies:
- Haiti (2010): Diasporic Haitians used satellite imagery and OpenStreetMap to update digital maps post-earthquake.
- Libyan Crisis Map: Created for the UN, leveraging verified social media sources to aid humanitarian efforts.
- Hologram Protest (Madrid, 2015): In response to the Gag Law, activists protested as holograms, symbolizing the limits of free speech.
- Crowdsourced Constitutions: Iceland pioneered crowdsourced constitutional input. Morocco used Facebook for broad participation, but digital access was uneven.
Key Reflections:
- "I don’t want to be a hashtag"—a critique of symbolic activism.
- Aristotle: "A mob judges many matters better than any single person"—emphasizing the value of collective intelligence, contingent on independent judgment and diversity.
- Hobbes: "The agreement of men is by covenant only, which is artificial"—highlighting the constructed nature of governance.
Governance Models:
Paul Baran’s Communication Structures: Centralized, decentralized, and distributed networks—useful for understanding communication but not governance.
Fractal Governance: A model for governing distributed networks, inspired by fractal patterns in blockchain growth.
Elinor Ostrom’s Nested Enterprises: Small, interlinked governance units working within larger systems.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Self-governing digital collectives. Example: Ukraine DAO, which fundraised via Ethereum to support humanitarian aid.
Open Questions:
- How do we govern distributed networks on the internet?
- What are the limits and possibilities of decentralized governance structures?
- Can blockchain-based governance truly be democratic?
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