Enclaves deliberation's, alternative methodologies to give voice to the voiceless (Platoniq)
When and how to ‘privilege’ the voice of those affected in deliberative spaces and processes. Positive discrimination is a key instrument to promote equal opportunities and positive freedom for historically disadvantaged groups, but is it fair to treat certain population groups differently in order to make them more representative? Doesn't this clash with our idea of democracy?
This workshop will deal in an experiential way with the notions of positive discrimination and deliberation in enclaves based on the work carried out by Quim Brugué in Olot under the title ‘Discrimination in access to housing. What are we talking about and how to combat it’ and “Migrant Dialogues”, a project facilitated by Platoniq with the participation of various anti-racist activist groups, as well as the NGO BCNActúa.
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