UK LT Network Hackathon
#legislativehacks (Enlace externo) A test Legislative Theatre platform for an imaginary future process
Cambios en "1: Rough Sleeper Verification & Channels of Communication (1st audience priority) "
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- The Issue: (1-2 sentences summarizing the problem.)
- people not getting verified for rough sleeping
- The Scenario: (Describe a scene or moment you imagine for the play.)
- people not getting verified for rough sleeping
- Legislative Change: (How could this inspire or inform policy?)
- Long term: Develop an app or other \naccessible technology allowing for direct \ncommunication between people experiencing \nhomelessness and Council Rough Sleeping / \nsupport teams. \nShort term: Develop more robust \ncommunication channels and locations where \npeople who are rough sleeping can access information and advice, contact the council, and get help with verification. \n
- The Issue: (1-2 sentences summarizing the problem.)
- people not getting verified for rough sleeping
- The Scenario: (Describe a scene or moment you imagine for the play.)
- Legislative Change: (How could this inspire or inform policy?)
- The Issue: (1-2 sentences summarizing the problem.)
- people not getting verified for rough sleeping
- The Scenario: (Describe a scene or moment you imagine for the play.)
- people not getting verified for rough sleeping
- Legislative Change: (How could this inspire or inform policy?)
- Long term: Develop an app or other \naccessible technology allowing for direct \ncommunication between people experiencing \nhomelessness and Council Rough Sleeping / \nsupport teams. \nShort term: Develop more robust \ncommunication channels and locations where \npeople who are rough sleeping can access information and advice, contact the council, and get help with verification. \nLibraries should have trained and dedicated staff who are available 9am-5pm for homelessness and rough sleeping support \n2. Open a 24hr walk-in centre for peer support, hot drinks, and access to communication with rough sleeping team \n3. Two or more charities or other services should be authorised to verify that someone is rough sleeping, in place of the council. This may include NHS services, Riverside, Pathways, etc. \n4. Grow the Medway interagency partnership model (Inspire) to be available for everyone, not only those identified as ‘high-risk’ \n5. Launch a far-reaching media campaign across Medway about how to access information for people experiencing homelessness: eye-catching ads on bus stops, etc.\n\n
- The Issue: (1-2 sentences summarizing the problem.)
- people not getting verified for rough sleeping
- The Scenario: (Describe a scene or moment you imagine for the play.)
- Legislative Change: (How could this inspire or inform policy?)